Reminder of Annual SCLA Meeting VIRTUALLY Sept. 5, 10:00 a.m.

This year, due to the pandemic, we will not have an annual social event or our annual cleanup on Labor Day. In lieu of our Annual Landowners’ Meeting, we will have a Zoom Meeting conducted by the board. Link to join the meeting is listed below as well as links to Financials, Budget and additional Zoom instructions for those not familiar with Zoom. (Log on early, 9:30 a.m. to visit and work out connecting issues)

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Passcode: 056551

You may also join the meeting without clicking on the invitation link by going to on any browser and entering the Meeting ID provided and then Passcode when prompted.

If you do not have a smartphone, computer or tablet, join the meeting by calling:
        +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584   Passcode: 056551 

ZOOM-INSTRUCTIONS-1.pdf (3347 downloads ) We will open the Zoom line at 9:30 a.m. to allow people to visit and work out any issues with Zoom.   IF you have trouble connecting and need assistance, you may call Dee Kessler at (719) 580-1413

Items for the discussion will be:

Updates will include:

  • Roads
  • Beavers
  • Pond 
  • Wi-Fi
  • Website/Weather Station
  • Dumpster
  • Fire Abatement
  • Scholarship 
  • Election Results

If you have not mailed your ballot, please do so right away. Ballots must be received by September 1st.

Hope to see you at our Zoom meeting, September 5th at 10 am!

Clint, James, Neal, Leah, Bob, Mike, Vicki

ANNOUNCEMENTS – SCLA Annual Meeting Aug. 3 & Labor Day Weekend Clean-up

Read on to hear about changes this year to the Fundraiser and Dinner

Sheep Creek 2019 Annual Meeting will once again be held at the Red Bear in Horca beginning at 10:00 a.m. Auction Items will be on display at the Red Bear before and after the meeting. The Potluck and Scholarship Silent Auction Fundraiser will begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Thorne’s Residence,  49 River Run Drive in Sheep Creek. The Association will provide grilled brats with fixings, chips, cowboy beans and drinks.

Families with last names beginning with:

  • A-L are asked to bring a side or an appetizer
  • M-Z are asked to bring a dessert. 

Auction items will be on display and bids taken during the meal. The auction will be closed after the meal

Annual Labor Day Weekend Clean-Up – Have you noticed our beautiful view of Sheep Creek? Last year during our Annual Labor Day Weekend Clean-Up, we had our whole community involved and working. We were able to split into groups and get all debris and deadfall that was stacked by our roads mulched. We also have a much-improved view of Sheep Creek thanks to the time and dedication of our clean-up crews. A huge thank-you to everyone.

All Sheep Creek landowners are encouraged to take advantage of this year’s Labor Day Weekend Clean-Up by removing limbs, debris, and deadfall from your property and placing it beside Rivier Run Drive, or your side road, where it can be easily reached by the mulching machine.
This yearly property clean-up not only helps keep Sheep Creek the beautiful place that it is but also helps with fire prevention. We are a designated Firewise Community and our Labor Day weekend clean-up projects help us retain this status. Remember that being a Firewise Community may also help you receive a deduction on your home and property insurance.
So put our Labor Day Weekend Clean-Up on your calendar. Digital? Paper? Whichever you use, be sure to “save the date”. Have your property ready with debris by the road. And join us for this Sheep Creek community event! 
Oh, and did I mention that there is often a fun casual get-together afterward?! See you then!