2023 SCLA Dues $900 Invoiced Annually in July/August.
All Homeowners are invoiced an additional $400 annually for water.
- Consolidation Document – Permission from Board
- SCLA-Architectural-Standards_2021.pdf (2111 downloads )
- SCLA Declaration of Covenants Filed with Conejos County, CO, Reception No. 2599001749, 9/9/1999
- SCLA By-Laws (revised 2009)
- Amendment:Rentals.pdf (2379 downloads )
- Amendment: Architectural Committee Election Terms
- Amendment: Camping Restriction
- Amendment: Lot Consolidation
- Conejos County Waiver of Authority
- SCLA Code of Conduct (BOD signed 2013)
- SL-Scholarship-Bylaws-1.pdf (1953 downloads )
- Adoption and Amendment of Policies, Rules, Regulations
- Official-Exterior-Open-Fire-Policy-1.pdf (2160 downloads )
- Water Policy – Revised 8.2022
- ARC Variance Policy[Collection Policy (revised 2012)
- Conduct Of Meetings
- Defensible Space Plans
- Directors Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest
- Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure
- Emergency Vehicles
- Policies & Procedures For Covenant and Rules Enforcement(revised 2013)
- Fishing and Road Use
- Inspection and Copying of Records
- Investment of Reserve Funds
- Lot Consolidation Policy
Archived Documents: