Jade Communication is coming Summer 2019!

As reported at our 2017 SCLA Annual meeting, Jade Communication will begin laying fiber optic line to bring high speed internet service to the Conejos Canyon by the summer of 2019.  Television and telephone service will also be available. For more details click this link:  Jade_Letter_to-Conejos_Canyon_4-2018.pdf (2796 downloads )  If you have questions do not hesitate to contact them on the number listed on the letter. You can even reserve your line today!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Thank you!

The Scholarship Committee would like to thank all those that contributed to the success of our annual fund raising in order to provide scholarships to 3 awesome local students here in Conejos County.  We truly appreciate those sending checks even though you were unable to attend the annual meeting.  We could not do it without the financial donations along with the hard work of the scholarship committee, and contributions of time, auction items, food, and of course of wonderful entertainment from Chris Collins.  We always look forward to this annual event! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you

Thank you


We’re having a Sheep Creek photo contest!

Hi everyone! This is Leah Thomas of Leah Thomas and Chris Collins, your Sheep Creek neighbors on Tall Pines Trail. Vicki Bader, our wonderful long-time secretary has been wanting to update our Sheep Creek newsletter header. This is our current newsletter header:

SheepCreek Letterhead

Since through my business I have access to a variety of photos, Vicki asked me to work on a new header. Well, I thought it would be easy, right? Big horn sheep, mountains, rivers, creeks…so many possibilities. I looked through thousands of photos. Yes, literally! But there just wasn’t a photo that really represented this beautiful place.

I was frustrated and maybe just a little bit irritable. Then – light bulb! Of course! Who would have the perfect photo of this perfect place???!!! YOU! Sheep Creek Landowners… I know!

Finally to the point. We’re having a Sheep Creek photo contest!

It’ll be fun. It’ll be exciting. It’ll be less frustrating than looking at thousands of photos taken by other people who have never been to this special place.

The Rules:

  1. Look through your Sheep Creek photos.
  2. Select a photo that you think best represents Sheep Creek.
  3. If you can’t decide on just one, select two, but no more than two, please.
  4. Send your photo to leahpopinski@gmail.com before September 1st.

What happens then:

  1. Between Saturday September 2nd and Saturday September 9th go to our Sheep Creek web site, log in, and vote for the two photos you think best represent the feel and beauty of Sheep Creek.
  2. The voting results will be posted on our website Sunday, September 10th.
  3. I will incorporate the photo with the most votes into a design that will work for our newsletter header, sidebar, or footer.
  4. All photos entered into our contest will be added to our Sheep Creek photo gallery on our web site.
  5. Just a note: By entering your photo into the contest, you are agreeing that your photo will be posted on our web site and/or used for the Sheep Creek Landowners letterhead.

★This is exciting stuff!! Well, for me. Remember, I live here year-round and it’s a little – okay, a lot – quiet. This really is exciting stuff. As far as I know, we’ve never had a Sheep Creek contest. So-o-o-o…don’t be shy. Send me those photos. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got! ★




10:00 am – Annual Meeting held in Neal and Kathy Lummus’  beautiful home located at 637 River Run Dr.   All are welcome. We have an excellent day planned including our annual fundraiser for the three scholarships awarded to local graduating high school seniors.  Please note changes in times for our Gourmet Southern BBQ and concert from last year

4:00 pm –   Silent Auction begins in the Red Bear in Horca along with the                                  BBQ Dinner 

5:30 pm – Concert with Chris Collins and friends next door in the San Juan Mountain Church, 1 Ponderosa, Horca Subdivision

Tickets can be bought at the door for both dinner and concert –                            $25 for adults/ $10 kids 12 and under

*All proceeds of this fundraiser will benefit the Sheep Creek Ranch Scholarship Fund.  If you are unable to attend, you can mail donations to Vicki Bader, 617 River Run Dr., Antonito, CO 81120

Volunteers are welcome and appreciated!  All members are encouraged to get involved. Each family is asked to bring a dessert to share. The rest of the feast is provided by volunteers, including smoked meats, salads, sides and drinks. If you would like to volunteer, join the set up team for the meeting or to help serve during the BBQ lunch, please contact Sharon Eanes,sharon_eanes@msn.com, Vicki Bader, v.bader@comcast.net or Debra Crowe, debracrowe1@gmail.com.

Thank you and hope to see you all soon!

6-15-17 BOD Meeting Minutes Now Posted “Members Only” “Meeting Minutes”

The Board of Directors have scheduled a meeting for Thursday, June 15, 6:00 p.m. MST.  SCLA members are welcome to call in for the meeting.  Any topics for discussion should be forwarded to Vicki Bader, v.bader@comcast.net,  to be included on the agenda. Call in number 1-866-398-2885; Passcode 687701.

3-31-17 Financials have been posted to the Members site, under “Financial Records”.

3-15-17 BOD Meeting Minutes Now Posted “Members Only” “Meeting Minutes”

The Board of Directors have scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, March 15, 6:00 p.m. MST.  SCLA members are welcome to call in for the meeting.  Any topics for discussion should be forwarded to Vicki Bader, bader@comcast.net,  to be included on the agenda. Call in number 1-866-398-2885; Passcode 687701.

12-31-16 Financials have been posted to the Members site, under “Financial Records”.