Beaver Activity – After a few reports of aggressive beaver activity, our trapper, Ross Hamilton, will be addressing our concerns. We will report any further developments.
SCLA Annual Meeting – Saturday August 2
10:00 a.m – SCLA Meeting – 637 River Run Drive, Lot between the Lummus and Bader Cabins.
12:00 p.m. – Potluck Lunch and Auction/Raffle to benefit the SCLA Scholarship Fund – Please RSVP to Sharon Eanes, with number joining for lunch and what you are bringing (list to date) Please contact Vicki Bader, if you have a donation for the Auction and Raffle.
5:00 p.m. – Annual River Bottom Concert with our own Chris Collins! Bring your lawn chairs and coolers and enjoy the great music, friendships and fun! Suggested donation $20/person. All proceeds benefit the SCLA Scholarship Fund.