As a reminder, the Annual meeting is just around the corner. The first Saturday in August we will have the August 4th Annual Meeting starting at 10:00 am, Silent Auction (following annual meeting) and Potluck (12:00 pm) at the Red Bear in Horca! PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION!!!
The planning committee is asking everyone to bring a dish to share:
- Last names starting with A-I, please bring a main dish
- Last names starting with J-R, bring a side or salad
- Last names starting with S-Z, head up the desserts
- Lemonade and Water will be provided
- RSVP to Sharon Eanes at 505-459-3933 or
Give yourself plenty of time to shop the Silent Auction with all proceeds benefiting the Sheep Creek Scholarship Fund. We are asking Sheep Creek Landowners to donate an item or cash for the auction. Vicki Bader is handling this and can be reached at