Due to the constant updates around Public Health Orders, Recreation and Requirements due to COVID-19, below is a brief summary with links to give you the latest information.For current information, visit slvemergency.org. This is an important website that is updated daily.

FIRE BAN Resolution 4-14-2020 – Conejos County has issued a Fire Ban Resolution due to the continued drying trend and wind. Conejos County Sheriff Garth Crowther has initiated Stage 2 fire restrictions for all of Conejos County. Links to Conejos-County-Fire-Ban-Resolution-4-14-2020.pdf (1920 downloads ) and Conejos County Website

ALL TRASH must be in a bag before putting in the dumpster.  The Governor is requiring NO unbagged trash can be taken to the Landfill.  PLEASE do your part, and do not throw loose trash in our dumpster, BAGGED TRASH ONLY!

SEASONAL HOMEOWNERS – Letter from Conejos Co. Public Health Dept. 4-13-20 – PLEASE READ  Conejos-County-Seasonal-Homeowners-Letter-1.pdf (1797 downloads )

Letter from SCLA Board of Directors 4-9-20 – COVID-19-Sheep-Creek-Letter-BOD.pdf (1810 downloads )

The Rio Grande National Forest announced an order on 4/7/2020 to temporarily close developed recreation sites and to implement fire restrictions. Developed recreation sites are temporarily closed while dispersed camping, hiking, and river uses are allowed as long as people are maintaining social distancing and staying aware of how they may impact local EMS services. Closed developed recreation sites include campgrounds, day-use areas, picnic areas, and any other constructed facility amenities – such as potable water stations, fire rings/grills, picnic tables, restroom facilities with flush or vaulted toilets, trash cans and trash collection services. Parking facilities, trails, and trailheads remain open. Dispersed camping includes camping on a national forest or grassland where recreation facilities or services are not provided.

Repeat message from Governor Polis: “I’m going to say this again and again: This is not a vacation; it’s a pandemic. Stay home unless absolutely necessary. There are still an alarming number of people traveling to our mountain and rural communities, putting themselves and others at risk. Whether you’re a second homeowner or weekend warrior, please stay home.” 

Testing supplies are extremely limited at this time, so not all who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will be tested. For those who experience mild symptoms, testing does not change the treatment. Those experiencing mild symptoms can care for themselves at home as they would for a regular cold while following isolation instructions below.

The best thing everyone else can do is to follow the state and local public health orders to stay at home. Businesses and health care workers are making some serious sacrifices during this pandemic. Let us, as a community make sure that those sacrifices have not been in vain. Continue to stay at home as much as possible, without visitors, even if you feel fine. Because the truth is with this virus, sometimes people can transmit it to others before they even know they have it. 

LAST REMINDER OF HOW COVID-19 can effect you here in the Conejos Canyon. 

  • Resources: Our local health care system, Conejos County EMS and Conejos County Sheriff are not equipped to handle cases of the Coronavirus that could arrive with increased population.
  • Grocery stores: Please be aware grocery stores in Conejos county have limited quantities of stock and availability.
  • Healthcare: Valley Wide Health Services and SLV health are extremely limited in their capacity to care for those affected by COVID-19. SLV Health hospitals have very limited testing resources. Hospital beds and ICU capabilities throughout the SLV are very limited. An influx of population will potentially put added pressure on nearby regional hospitals that will be taxed by other areas too.
  • Altitude: Conejos County’s high altitude is not well suited for a respiratory illness such as COVID-19.
  • Quarantine: Conejos County is requesting you to self-quarantine in your home for 14 days upon returning to our County for the prevention of spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).