Category Archives: SLCA Annual Meeting
2023 Sheep Creek Annual Meeting – Through Zoom
Saturday – August 5, 2023
From 9:30 to 10:00 AM, we will have our “social time” and work out any of the “bugs” with Zoom. We’ll make sure we all have sound and can see each other. The meeting will not start until 10:00 AM Mountain Time.
If you need to join by phone, dial 1-346-248-7799. If that line is busy, dial 1-253-215-8782.
As per the email sent to members on July 18th, our annual meeting will be held through ZOOM on August 6th at 10:00 AM Mountain Time. Also, as stated in that email . . .
Items for discussion will be:
2021 Financials and 2022 proposed budget – These will be posted on our website by August 4th.
Fire Abatement
Water System
Architectural Committee
Gates and Security
Pond Update
Scholarship Committee
Election Results
COMING SOON ==> a more detailed agenda plus financial links and ZOOM details through email.
It is disappointing to announce that our in-person annual meeting has been placed on hold. There are currently many cases of COVID in our immediate area.
The board has decided to make a decision later in July regarding whether to have an in-person meeting or a virtual meeting due to these unfortunate circumstances. We will always consider health and safety first even though we really miss the comradery and fun of getting together.
Please continue to check for updates on our website as well as your emails from Sheep Creek.
Finally, in 2022 we can once again have an in-person meeting.
Our annual meeting will be held at the Crowe/Adams residence. Since it almost always rains for this meeting, it will be an inside/outside meeting with lunch served afterward. More information, as well as updates, will be posted here on our website. But, you will also be receiving emails and even a snail-mail letter. So, stay tuned.
Reminder of Annual SCLA Meeting VIRTUALLY Sept. 5, 10:00 a.m.
This year, due to the pandemic, we will not have an annual social event or our annual cleanup on Labor Day. In lieu of our Annual Landowners’ Meeting, we will have a Zoom Meeting conducted by the board. Link to join the meeting is listed below as well as links to Financials, Budget and additional Zoom instructions for those not familiar with Zoom. (Log on early, 9:30 a.m. to visit and work out connecting issues)
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Passcode: 056551
You may also join the meeting without clicking on the invitation link by going to on any browser and entering the Meeting ID provided and then Passcode when prompted.
If you do not have a smartphone, computer or tablet, join the meeting by calling:
+1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584 Passcode: 056551
ZOOM-INSTRUCTIONS-1.pdf (3346 downloads ) We will open the Zoom line at 9:30 a.m. to allow people to visit and work out any issues with Zoom. IF you have trouble connecting and need assistance, you may call Dee Kessler at (719) 580-1413
Items for the discussion will be:
- SCLA-6-30-2020-EOY-Financial-Statements.pdf (3899 downloads )
- SCLA-2020-21-Proposed-Budget.pdf (3873 downloads )
Updates will include:
- Roads
- Beavers
- Pond
- Wi-Fi
- Website/Weather Station
- Dumpster
- Fire Abatement
- Scholarship
- Election Results
If you have not mailed your ballot, please do so right away. Ballots must be received by September 1st.
Hope to see you at our Zoom meeting, September 5th at 10 am!
Clint, James, Neal, Leah, Bob, Mike, Vicki
Community Notice re: Annual SCLA Meeting
There will be NO REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING, AUCTION OR LUNCH/DINNER in August this year due to the Pandemic. Please go to our Member only section (left side in Menu bar, you’ll need to log in) and click on “Meeting Minutes”. Check the June (06.28.20) Meeting minutes for the alternate plans. You will be receiving additional information by email or mail within the next 2 weeks. The SCLA Board of Directors would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during these abnormal times.
ANNOUNCEMENTS – SCLA Annual Meeting Aug. 3 & Labor Day Weekend Clean-up
Read on to hear about changes this year to the Fundraiser and Dinner
Sheep Creek 2019 Annual Meeting will once again be held at the Red Bear in Horca beginning at 10:00 a.m. Auction Items will be on display at the Red Bear before and after the meeting. The Potluck and Scholarship Silent Auction Fundraiser will begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Thorne’s Residence, 49 River Run Drive in Sheep Creek. The Association will provide grilled brats with fixings, chips, cowboy beans and drinks.
Families with last names beginning with:
- A-L are asked to bring a side or an appetizer
- M-Z are asked to bring a dessert.
Auction items will be on display and bids taken during the meal. The auction will be closed after the meal
Annual Labor Day Weekend Clean-Up – Have you noticed our beautiful view of Sheep Creek? Last year during our Annual Labor Day Weekend Clean-Up, we had our whole community involved and working. We were able to split into groups and get all debris and deadfall that was stacked by our roads mulched. We also have a much-improved view of Sheep Creek thanks to the time and dedication of our clean-up crews. A huge thank-you to everyone.
SCLA Annual Meeting, Potluck and Fundraiser Aug. 4, 2018
As a reminder, the Annual meeting is just around the corner. The first Saturday in August we will have the August 4th Annual Meeting starting at 10:00 am, Silent Auction (following annual meeting) and Potluck (12:00 pm) at the Red Bear in Horca! PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN LOCATION!!!
The planning committee is asking everyone to bring a dish to share:
- Last names starting with A-I, please bring a main dish
- Last names starting with J-R, bring a side or salad
- Last names starting with S-Z, head up the desserts
- Lemonade and Water will be provided
- RSVP to Sharon Eanes at 505-459-3933 or
Give yourself plenty of time to shop the Silent Auction with all proceeds benefiting the Sheep Creek Scholarship Fund. We are asking Sheep Creek Landowners to donate an item or cash for the auction. Vicki Bader is handling this and can be reached at