Be Respectful! Turn around at Mailboxes and Garbage Shed

When picking up your mail or taking trash please be respectful of those properties along the road in that area.  When you make a U Turn and even slightly go over on to private property it starts to rut out and cause damage to the property owners lot.  It doesn’t take much effort to back up using our well maintained roads.  Thank you for doing your part in keeping our lots in good condition. 

Scholarship Report

Scholarship Fundraising Results – August/September 2020

What an amazing group of caring landowners in our Association! Even though we were denied our usual annual meeting social gathering, many folks stepped up and sent in donations to our scholarship fund. We received $3,913 in donations and sold $220 worth of maps (Thank you Leah), bringing our total to $4,133. That brings our bank balance up to $7,458.71. At the end of August we delivered 39 bottles of spray disinfectant and 2 cases of tissues to the Antonito schools along with a tray of cookies to the teachers and staff with a thank you note from the Sheep Creek Landowners Association thanking them for all they do. Thank you all for making a difference in our community.
Sheep Creek Ranch Scholarship Committee
Vicki Bader, Mary Thorne, Debra Crowe and Debra Castro

Annual Meeting Minutes and Financial reports are located in the Members only Section under “Meeting Minutes” 

Reminder of Annual SCLA Meeting VIRTUALLY Sept. 5, 10:00 a.m.

This year, due to the pandemic, we will not have an annual social event or our annual cleanup on Labor Day. In lieu of our Annual Landowners’ Meeting, we will have a Zoom Meeting conducted by the board. Link to join the meeting is listed below as well as links to Financials, Budget and additional Zoom instructions for those not familiar with Zoom. (Log on early, 9:30 a.m. to visit and work out connecting issues)

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Passcode: 056551

You may also join the meeting without clicking on the invitation link by going to on any browser and entering the Meeting ID provided and then Passcode when prompted.

If you do not have a smartphone, computer or tablet, join the meeting by calling:
        +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584   Passcode: 056551 

ZOOM-INSTRUCTIONS-1.pdf (3347 downloads ) We will open the Zoom line at 9:30 a.m. to allow people to visit and work out any issues with Zoom.   IF you have trouble connecting and need assistance, you may call Dee Kessler at (719) 580-1413

Items for the discussion will be:

Updates will include:

  • Roads
  • Beavers
  • Pond 
  • Wi-Fi
  • Website/Weather Station
  • Dumpster
  • Fire Abatement
  • Scholarship 
  • Election Results

If you have not mailed your ballot, please do so right away. Ballots must be received by September 1st.

Hope to see you at our Zoom meeting, September 5th at 10 am!

Clint, James, Neal, Leah, Bob, Mike, Vicki

Important Update

Important notice re: COVID 19 exposure from Conejos Canyon Community Chapel (CCCC)
Dear Members and Friends,
We need to inform you that a member of our congregation has tested positive for the Covid 19 virus this week.  Since there is a possibility of exposure from last Sunday, we believe that we should all take precautionary measures.   For that reason, church services taking place in the Chapel will be cancelled until further notice.
You won’t have to miss any services, though!  Pastor Ted Long will be continuing his sermon “Learning to Pray Like Moses” with our on-line service at 9:30am as usual.  To join us on line, some time during the week you need to have downloaded the program GoToMeeting.”  Then on Sunday at 9:20am you open that program and click on “Join the Meeting,” then enter our ID number (the same each week)  436453269. (Please remember to MUTE (turn off) your microphones once the service starts.)
We strongly suggest that all of us use all Covid 19 precautions and self-isolate for the next two weeks to avoid any possible spread within the community.

Community Notice re: Annual SCLA Meeting

There will be NO REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING, AUCTION OR LUNCH/DINNER in August this year due to the Pandemic.  Please go to our Member only section (left side in Menu bar, you’ll need to log in) and click on “Meeting Minutes”. Check the June (06.28.20) Meeting minutes for the alternate plans.  You will be receiving additional information by email or mail within the next 2 weeks.  The SCLA Board of Directors would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during these abnormal times.  


SCLA Board of Directors Meeting, Sunday, June 28, 5:00 pm MDT

There will be SCLA Board of Directors meeting via ZOOM scheduled for Sunday, June 28 at 5 pm, MDT.  Agenda items will be the Annual Meeting and Elections.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Password: 056551

(You will be admitted via the “waiting room”)

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,6725432584#,,,,0#,,056551# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,6725432584#,,,,0#,,056551# US (Tacoma)Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Password: 056551

Additional Instructions if not familiar with Zoom – 

If you are joining by cell phone, tablet, iPad, Computer, click on this link and it will take you to Zoom, where you are prompted to download the Zoom launcher. Click on the tab at the bottom left when complete and ‘open’, it will quickly take you to the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

IF you do not have the capability of hearing or speaking through your computer microphone (this should not be a problem with a phone or iPad), then when asked if you want to join by internet audio or “call” then click call and it will give you the dialing instructions with the participant ID. 

If you are using your cell phone, you can click on “One tap mobile” and it should enter the meeting ID for you. Some phones are a little fast, and if you are not connected shortly, re-enter the meeting ID.

This is a 1 min video on how to Join a Zoom meeting. 

After watching this you can test out a demo by clicking:  Join a test meeting

You can also click on this link with a step by step but warning, it gives you more than you would probably need as you progress through this explanation.  

Contact me by email, or call me at 719.376.2322 and I’ll be happy to walk you through it.  



May 20, 2020 

Fire Restrictions Update from the National Forest Service: 

Stage 2 fire restrictions (see below) are in effect for all National Forest System lands in the Rio Grande National Forest. 

Current conditions are not being updated by district. 

Our Sheep Creek fire danger signs will continue to be set to Extreme

Due to the continued drying trend and wind, Conejos County Sheriff Garth Crowther has initiated Stage 2 fire restrictions for all of Conejos County. 

  • Fires, campfires, charcoal grills, coal and wood burning stoves are prohibited including use in developed recreation sites.
  • Devices using pressurized liquid or gas that include a shut-off valve and wood stoves used to heat a residence are allowed. 
  • Smoking is allowed only within an enclosed vehicle, trailer or buildings where smoking is permitted. 
  • Welding or operating acetylene or other torches with open flame is prohibited, unless it is within an enclosed building.
  • Also prohibited are all explosives, including fireworks, exploding targets, and tracers or incendiary ammunition.
  • Operating or using any internal combustion engine, such as a chainsaw, generator or all-terrain vehicle is only allowed with a spark arresting device properly installed, maintained and in effective working order meeting USDA Forest Service or SAE approval. Additionally, chainsaw operators must have a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher and round point shovel with an overall length of at least 35 inches readily available for use.
  • The entire Stage 2 fire restrictions order may be viewed on the Rio Grande National Forest website at For more information, call the Conejos County Sheriff’s Office at 719-376-2196.  This Order will be in effect from 12:01 am on April 15th, 2020 and will remain in force until rescinded. 
Fire Restrictions Special Order (1841 downloads )


COVID-19 May 20, 2020 Daily Update

Saguache County confirmed their first COVID-19 related fatality today, bringing the total deaths in the SLV to three. Four more cases have been confirmed positive, bringing the total number for the SLV to 110. County case counts and other San Luis Valley data are updated weekdays at

Conejos County Public Health is investigating possible COVID-19 exposures at the Conejos County Jail. One employee has been confirmed to have the virus. Close contacts of the confirmed positive employee have been instructed to isolate at home, monitor symptoms, and be tested.  Due to use of masks, proper cleaning and hygiene, and limited contact, inmates are at relatively low risk. Right now, there is no outbreak at any facility in Conejos County. Conejos County Public Health is actively monitoring the situation and updates will be available soon.

In Emergency Management, one of the main focuses is Recovery, what to do after the crisis is over. When there’s a fire, flood, or other natural disaster, there is usually a clear beginning, middle, and end. Public Health emergencies are a different kind of disaster in that they are often long-term. The Governor says, “This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon,” and like a marathon, we need to pace ourselves. That is why local governments are seeking a balanced, gradual approach to reopening. While it seems to many that the major crisis is ramping down or even over, Public Health activity is starting to ramp up as response efforts begin to bring results. Our focus at this point needs to be on stability, rather than recovery.

 REMINDER OF HOW COVID-19 can effect you here in the Conejos Canyon. 

  • Resources: Our local health care system, Conejos County EMS and Conejos County Sheriff are not equipped to handle cases of the Coronavirus that could arrive with increased population.
  • Grocery stores: Please be aware grocery stores in Conejos county have limited quantities of stock and availability.
  • Healthcare: Valley Wide Health Services and SLV health are extremely limited in their capacity to care for those affected by COVID-19. SLV Health hospitals have very limited testing resources. Hospital beds and ICU capabilities throughout the SLV are very limited. An influx of population will potentially put added pressure on nearby regional hospitals that will be taxed by other areas too.
  • Altitude: Conejos County’s high altitude is not well suited for a respiratory illness such as COVID-19.
  • Quarantine: Conejos County is requesting you to self-quarantine in your home for 14 days upon returning to our County for the prevention of spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Willow Pit Schedule and COVID-19 Updates

Willow Pit 2020 Schedule – The Conejos County Willow Pit will be open the following Saturdays from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.

  • May 16                            Aug. 1
  • June 6                            Aug. 15
  • June 20                          Sept. 19
  • July 18                            Oct. 17

Location: East of Manassa on Hwy 142, approxiamately 4.5 miles, North side. Click on the link below to see the restrictions of what they will and will not accept and contact number for more information. Willow-Pit-Schedule-2020.pdf (1749 downloads )

SLV COVID-19 Updates from SLV

The weather is warming and people are anxious to travel. We invite those who would be visitors from out of state to familiarize yourselves with Colorado’s current COVID-19 guidance, which can be found on Colorado’s Safer at Home website: Colorado’s Safer at Home guidance still recommends staying close to home for recreation. Visitors, when you do eventually come to visit, please protect local residents and yourself by wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, and washing your hands frequently. Please also note that under the current state order, gatherings should be limited to 10 persons or less. 

If you are experiencing COVID symptoms, contact one of the nurse call-lines listed below. 

  • Rio Grande Hospital: 719-657-4990
  • SLV Health: 719-589-2511 ext. 9
  • Valley Wide Health Systems: 719-589-3658 ext. 9

Today, four more positive cases were identified for the San Luis Valley through testing and contact investigation. Costilla and Saguache Counties each added one more to their count, and Alamosa identified two new cases for a total of 63 for our region.  Of those positive San Luis Valley cases, 13 have been hospitalized and 21 have completed isolation. We remain at 2 deaths counted for the region. Numbers are updated weekdays at

This uncertain time is difficult for many people. As a community, if we empower each other, be kind, and strive to make informed choices, we will get through this together as one SLV.  In our increasingly information-saturated society, misinformation campaigns abound designed to divide and misinform us. Today, the lives of our loved ones literally depend on critically examining these claims before sharing or acting upon them. CISA – the cybersecurity and infrastructure branch of the Colorado Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM), laid out some guidelines, shared below, to address false information. 

1. Go to trusted sources of information like FEMA has also established a coronavirus rumor control website at where you can learn more about specific disinformation campaigns.

2. Check the source of the information.

3. Search for other reliable sources of information on the issue.

4. Think before you link – take a moment to let your emotions cool down before sharing anything online.

SLV COVID general questions 719-480-8719. You may also email your questions to



Subject: SLV Public Health Daily Update

Date: May 7, 2020

SAN LUIS VALLEY – Our numbers changed again today due to positive test results and contact tracing investigation. Saguache County Public Health received notification of 2 COVID-19 tests. During the contact tracing investigation, 7 additional close contacts were identified with COVID-19 symptoms, for a total of 9 new cases for the county. Alamosa County Public Health is continuing the investigation of the outbreak reported yesterday, and additional testing is anticipated in conjunction with the outbreak investigation.  San Luis Valley case counts are updated every weekday at the SLV Emergency website,

Contact tracing is the investigation of close contacts of a person with an infectious disease. It is one of the most effective tools we have for preventing the spread of disease, especially as businesses begin to open back up and more people are going out of their homes for essential activities. When a person is identified as carrying an infectious disease, that person can be isolated until they are no longer infectious. Close contacts of the confirmed case also stay away from others for 14 days (quarantine) during the time they could spread the disease unknowingly, and while they watch for symptoms to appear. 

There has been a lot of information shared recently about properly wearing a mask when you encounter other people, but what about gloves? For the general public, washing your hands frequently is often more effective than wearing gloves, especially if you are not familiar with wearing them. Like N95 masks, wearing gloves without proper knowledge of how to use them can provide ineffective protection or actually increase the chances of infection. 

In the Safer at Home Public Health Order 20-24, the governor expanded requirements on appropriate glove-wearing for employees. This is intended to provide an extra layer of protection for the employees who serve customers. Specifics on requirements for different kinds of businesses can be found on Colorado’s Safer at Home website at