Thanksgiving Message from Colorado Dept. of Public Health

The Colorado Dept. of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) has issued this Thanksgiving Message –  CDPHE-COVID-Letter.pdf (3266 downloads ) and link for Thanksgiving Do’s and Don’ts.  Please think about your plans, and decide if it is really worth the risk of traveling and seeing family members that may be at risk. 

The Colorado COVID-19 dial is a tool that allows Colorado to balance the urgent need to contain the virus with the need for localized guidance during the pandemic. “We are adding a new level to the dial in response to out-of-control levels of COVID-19 transmission across the state,” said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director, CDPHE. “Coloradans must take proactive steps to reduce the spread of the virus to protect their families and communities. Wear a mask, avoid in-person interactions with people from outside your household, and wash your hands frequently. If we are not careful now, we risk plunging into the deep end of the dial, where hospitals are not able to serve everyone who needs care, whether they are COVID-19 patients or other types of patients. It’s up to all Coloradans to help our essential health care workers save lives.” The new dial levels, effective Nov. 20, are:

  1. Level Green – Protect Our Neighbors: for counties that are able to locally contain surges. Most businesses are open with generous capacity limits. 
  2. Level Blue – Caution: for counties with low transmission levels that aren’t quite ready for Protect Our Neighbors. Capacity limits are more permissive than yellow.
  3. Level Yellow – Concern: the baseline level for counties with elevated transmission levels but stable hospitalizations. 
  4. Level Orange – High Risk:  for counties where numbers are going up but not to the point where everything needs to be shut down. The capacity limits are moderate.
  5. Level Red – Severe Risk: for counties with high levels of transmission, hospitalizations, and positivity rates. Most indoor activities are prohibited or strictly limited, and outdoor activities are encouraged as an alternative. The capacity limits are significant.
  6. Level Purple – Extreme Risk: for counties where hospital capacity is at extreme risk of being overrun. At this level, all businesses must significantly curtail in person functions and people must stay at home except for necessary activities.

As of Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 5 p.m., the following counties will be in Level Red:
  • Alamosa
  • Otero
  • Prowers
  • Pueblo
  • Weld

County levels are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and will be regularly updated.

Continue to stay up to date by visiting

We wish you all a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.  

Power Surges and Weather Station update

We have had some power surges in our area and when that happens, it affects our weather station.  The camera is working okay but I’ll have to reset and do a little work on the weather station. I appreciate your patience and ask that you give me a few days and hopefully we’ll have it back up by first of next week at the latest.  Thank you!

Be Respectful! Turn around at Mailboxes and Garbage Shed

When picking up your mail or taking trash please be respectful of those properties along the road in that area.  When you make a U Turn and even slightly go over on to private property it starts to rut out and cause damage to the property owners lot.  It doesn’t take much effort to back up using our well maintained roads.  Thank you for doing your part in keeping our lots in good condition. 

Scholarship Report

Scholarship Fundraising Results – August/September 2020

What an amazing group of caring landowners in our Association! Even though we were denied our usual annual meeting social gathering, many folks stepped up and sent in donations to our scholarship fund. We received $3,913 in donations and sold $220 worth of maps (Thank you Leah), bringing our total to $4,133. That brings our bank balance up to $7,458.71. At the end of August we delivered 39 bottles of spray disinfectant and 2 cases of tissues to the Antonito schools along with a tray of cookies to the teachers and staff with a thank you note from the Sheep Creek Landowners Association thanking them for all they do. Thank you all for making a difference in our community.
Sheep Creek Ranch Scholarship Committee
Vicki Bader, Mary Thorne, Debra Crowe and Debra Castro

Annual Meeting Minutes and Financial reports are located in the Members only Section under “Meeting Minutes” 

Reminder of Annual SCLA Meeting VIRTUALLY Sept. 5, 10:00 a.m.

This year, due to the pandemic, we will not have an annual social event or our annual cleanup on Labor Day. In lieu of our Annual Landowners’ Meeting, we will have a Zoom Meeting conducted by the board. Link to join the meeting is listed below as well as links to Financials, Budget and additional Zoom instructions for those not familiar with Zoom. (Log on early, 9:30 a.m. to visit and work out connecting issues)

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Passcode: 056551

You may also join the meeting without clicking on the invitation link by going to on any browser and entering the Meeting ID provided and then Passcode when prompted.

If you do not have a smartphone, computer or tablet, join the meeting by calling:
        +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584   Passcode: 056551 

ZOOM-INSTRUCTIONS-1.pdf (3190 downloads ) We will open the Zoom line at 9:30 a.m. to allow people to visit and work out any issues with Zoom.   IF you have trouble connecting and need assistance, you may call Dee Kessler at (719) 580-1413

Items for the discussion will be:

Updates will include:

  • Roads
  • Beavers
  • Pond 
  • Wi-Fi
  • Website/Weather Station
  • Dumpster
  • Fire Abatement
  • Scholarship 
  • Election Results

If you have not mailed your ballot, please do so right away. Ballots must be received by September 1st.

Hope to see you at our Zoom meeting, September 5th at 10 am!

Clint, James, Neal, Leah, Bob, Mike, Vicki

Important Update

Important notice re: COVID 19 exposure from Conejos Canyon Community Chapel (CCCC)
Dear Members and Friends,
We need to inform you that a member of our congregation has tested positive for the Covid 19 virus this week.  Since there is a possibility of exposure from last Sunday, we believe that we should all take precautionary measures.   For that reason, church services taking place in the Chapel will be cancelled until further notice.
You won’t have to miss any services, though!  Pastor Ted Long will be continuing his sermon “Learning to Pray Like Moses” with our on-line service at 9:30am as usual.  To join us on line, some time during the week you need to have downloaded the program GoToMeeting.”  Then on Sunday at 9:20am you open that program and click on “Join the Meeting,” then enter our ID number (the same each week)  436453269. (Please remember to MUTE (turn off) your microphones once the service starts.)
We strongly suggest that all of us use all Covid 19 precautions and self-isolate for the next two weeks to avoid any possible spread within the community.

Community Notice re: Annual SCLA Meeting

There will be NO REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING, AUCTION OR LUNCH/DINNER in August this year due to the Pandemic.  Please go to our Member only section (left side in Menu bar, you’ll need to log in) and click on “Meeting Minutes”. Check the June (06.28.20) Meeting minutes for the alternate plans.  You will be receiving additional information by email or mail within the next 2 weeks.  The SCLA Board of Directors would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during these abnormal times.  


SCLA Board of Directors Meeting, Sunday, June 28, 5:00 pm MDT

There will be SCLA Board of Directors meeting via ZOOM scheduled for Sunday, June 28 at 5 pm, MDT.  Agenda items will be the Annual Meeting and Elections.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Password: 056551

(You will be admitted via the “waiting room”)

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,6725432584#,,,,0#,,056551# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,6725432584#,,,,0#,,056551# US (Tacoma)Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 672 543 2584
Password: 056551

Additional Instructions if not familiar with Zoom – 

If you are joining by cell phone, tablet, iPad, Computer, click on this link and it will take you to Zoom, where you are prompted to download the Zoom launcher. Click on the tab at the bottom left when complete and ‘open’, it will quickly take you to the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

IF you do not have the capability of hearing or speaking through your computer microphone (this should not be a problem with a phone or iPad), then when asked if you want to join by internet audio or “call” then click call and it will give you the dialing instructions with the participant ID. 

If you are using your cell phone, you can click on “One tap mobile” and it should enter the meeting ID for you. Some phones are a little fast, and if you are not connected shortly, re-enter the meeting ID.

This is a 1 min video on how to Join a Zoom meeting. 

After watching this you can test out a demo by clicking:  Join a test meeting

You can also click on this link with a step by step but warning, it gives you more than you would probably need as you progress through this explanation.  

Contact me by email, or call me at 719.376.2322 and I’ll be happy to walk you through it.  
