6-15-17 BOD Meeting Minutes Now Posted “Members Only” “Meeting Minutes”

The Board of Directors have scheduled a meeting for Thursday, June 15, 6:00 p.m. MST.  SCLA members are welcome to call in for the meeting.  Any topics for discussion should be forwarded to Vicki Bader, v.bader@comcast.net,  to be included on the agenda. Call in number 1-866-398-2885; Passcode 687701.

3-31-17 Financials have been posted to the Members site, under “Financial Records”.

3-15-17 BOD Meeting Minutes Now Posted “Members Only” “Meeting Minutes”

The Board of Directors have scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, March 15, 6:00 p.m. MST.  SCLA members are welcome to call in for the meeting.  Any topics for discussion should be forwarded to Vicki Bader, bader@comcast.net,  to be included on the agenda. Call in number 1-866-398-2885; Passcode 687701.

12-31-16 Financials have been posted to the Members site, under “Financial Records”.


Scholarship Recipients – Thank you letter

Sheep Creek Land Owners Scholarship Recipients were recently published in two local newspapers, the Conejos County Citizen and the Valley Courier (see article from Conejos Co Citizen) Scholarship-Recipients.jpg (3212 downloads ) Three Conejos County students were awarded $1500 each from the SCLA Scholarship Fund.  Thanks to the generous donations of our Conejos Canyon Friends and Sheep Creek Land Owners, and of course, Chris Collins and the Boulder Canyon Band for putting on an incredible concert.  We could not have provided these scholarships without everyone’s help and contributions.

We also received a very appreciative thank you letter from the South Conejos School District for the contributions of back packs and school supplies at the beginning of this school year. Letter-from-So-Conejos-School.pdf (3794 downloads )

Thank you to all those who have donated to these great and worthwhile opportunities!!!



PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION OF NAMES: We inadvertently left out Kathy Lummus and if there are others please contact webmaster@scla.org and we will get them added.

Over Labor Day weekend, many Sheep Creek neighbors and their friends and families joined together to clean up our subdivision and protect it from fire danger. After several years of growth a lot of wood and brush had accumulated through most of the areas in the neighborhood, it was time to take care of it.  Mitch Frank brought his chipper from Chama and for three days, volunteers donated their time and hard work to complete the job.

Special thanks to James and Sharon Eanes and their family for leading the effort. This was an enormous job and all who helped deserve our gratitude:  James & Sharon Eanes, Jake Eanes, Neal & Kako Lummus, Michael Hardin, Earl Morse, Em Curzi, Vicki & Doug Bader and family members, Eric Keck and family members, Bob Newcomber, Clint & Debra Crowe, Leah Thomas, Rick Connell, Carolyn Buckingham, and all the families and guests of each of these volunteers that pitched in. THANK YOU!!!

New ARC Applications

There is a new application in the Members Section of the Architectural Committee, Pending Construction.  SCLA Members have 10 days from posting to review the application and make their comments to the ARC committee. Thank you.

Annual Meeting Saturday, August 6 – Annual Report now posted in Members Section “Meeting Minutes”

Just a reminder about the happenings on Saturday, August 6th:

10:00 am: Annual Meeting in Neal and Kathy Lummus’  garage 637 River Run Dr.   All are welcome.  Come early to bid on silent auction items with all proceeds benefiting the Sheep Creek Ranch Scholarship Fund.

1:00 pm:  Gourmet Southern BBQ followed by a concert with Chris Collins and members of the Boulder Canyon Band  (2:30 pm) ($25 adults/ $10 kids 12 and under)

BBQ served at the old Red Bear Restaurant and concert next door at the San Juan Mountain Church, both located at: 1 Ponderosa, Orca, Colorado

*All proceeds of this fundraiser will benefit the Sheep Creek Ranch Scholarship Fund.

RSVP appreciated to Doug/Vicki Bader.  Mail in: 617 River Run Dr., Antonito, Co 81120  OR e-mail v.bader@comcast.net

There are opportunities to get involved and help out with this busy, fun filled day!  We are looking for families willing to donate a sweet treat to share with all at the BBQ.   We are also looking for people willing to help with set up and/or clean up.   If you are able to help out, please e-mail me at sharon_eanes@msn.com.

Thank you and hope to see you all soon!

June 5, 2016

BOD Meeting-The Board of Directors have scheduled a meeting for Thursday, June 16, 2016 6:30 p.m. MDT. SCLA members are welcome to call in for the meeting. Any topics for discussion should be forwarded to Vicki Bader to be included on the agenda. Call in number 1-866-398-2885; Passcode 687701.

Topics for discussion during this meeting:

Sheep Creek Budget and Financials
Road maintenance projects
Water system maintenance projects
Pond project
Postal box expansion
Willow dump announcement
Fire abatement project schedule
Annual meeting changes
Request for scholarship auction item contributions
Request for volunteers for committees
Member forum

May 30, 2016


We have had some issues with the website being hacked again which has created the website to ‘go offline’ at times. We will begin the process of upgrading to a more secure server. We ask for your patience when the website is down. Thank you.


Our mail boxes are all assigned. We have requests for mailboxes that we can not fill at present.  We are studying the option of adding additional boxes in another installation next to the present one at our entrance. If you wish to sign up for a mailbox, please send your name to our Secretary, Vicki Bader, v.bader@comcast.net

There are vacancies available for volunteer positions on this year’s ballot. These are interesting, easy jobs that help create a better neighborhood. Any member may volunteer themselves or another consenting member for the ballot. These positions provide an opportunity to participate in managing our subdivision. We invite all members to volunteer.
The ballots mail out one month prior to our annual meeting on August 6.  Please send your suggestions to our Secretary, Vicki Bader, at v.bader@comcast.net