Public Conference Call Board Meeting Monday 6/11 6:00 pm MDT

Message from Clint Crowe, SCLA Presdient –

We will hold a brief public conference call Board Meeting tomorrow
Please try hard to call in for as much of the meeting as possible.
Toll free number is 1 (866) 398-2885  access code 687701 …time 6 pm.
Thank you.

We have several new topics to get your input on. Here’s the overview:
1. Annual meeting is still Aug 4 at 10 am at THE RED BEAR followed by our auction and a potluck lunch. 
2. Southern Colorado fire danger is high. Labor Day weekend is our annual fire abatement chipping party hosted by Mr. Eanes. Help us keep Sheep Creek safe.
3. Our Community Water Plan has been submitted to CO State Dept Public Health by our Water Systems Manager, Rich Basinger. We are now a public utility.
Due to greatly increased water expenses, our water fees starting this next period go from $200 to $300.
4. Roads are currently being graveled and graded.
5. No significant beaver, aspen webworm, fir caterpillar or pine bark beetle sightings to-date.
6. Gate service completion is slow.
7. Healthy trout population in our pond is at an all time high. 
8. Get involved. Volunteer to be on a committee or the Board. We welcome your help. Suggest a nomination for the open positions on the ballot.

The annual letter to the membership will be signed by your SCLA Volunteer Board of Directors and will contain the ballot, the meeting schedule, and any of the above
topics you want to include and aims to be sent out next week.

The potluck lunch committee asks us to add to our letter the following information:

“Don’t miss the potluck lunch following the annual meeting at the Red Bear starting at 12:00pm. In lieu of paid admission, this is potluck. Last names starting with A-I, 
please bring a main dish. Last names with J-R, bring a side or salad and S-Z, head up the desserts!  We will provide lemonade and water and paper goods/plastic ware.  
Give yourself plenty of time to shop the silent auction with all proceeds benefitting the Sheep Creek Scholarship Fund.  Speaking of the silent auction, 
we are asking all residents to donate one item to auction, so be thinking about what you could donate. More information will be coming regarding the potluck
and auction this summer. “

Talk with you tomorrow,
(719) 376-2688